Category Archives: November 20


今年和明年即将要执行的租赁法关键日期: 2020年12月1号的健康房屋检查报告,房东必须在新合同或续签的租赁合同中写明当前房屋对健康房屋标准的达标程度,该报告声明出租房已经达标或将在2021年7月前达标。 健康房屋标准到底包括什么: heating 加热,insulation 保温棉,ventilation 通风,moisture ingress and drainage 防潮排水, and draught stopping 防止漏风 Healthy homes compliance statement required from 1 December 2020 You will recall that the healthy homes standards became law on 1 July 2019. The healthy homes standards introduced specific and minimum standards for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture ingress and drainage,…
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